Worshiping the Triune God

Many of the songs we sing together on Sunday are full of great lyrics. You can find numerous songs declaring God the Father as Creator, King, Healer, Forgiver, etc. The list really could go on and on. There are also quite a few songs out there that speak of Jesus and His birth, life, death, resurrection, and His return. Many of these too are wonderful songs that bring us to our knees as they point out who Christ is and what He has done. There are some songs that also magnify the Holy Spirit who indwells believers. However, there are few songs being sung in churches today (especially churches who have removed Hymnals) that call for the worshiper to sing about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as separate persons but yet declare God as a triune three-in-one God. Though the trinity is a hard idea to wrap our minds around, it is nonetheless an essential core of our Christian faith.

For this reason we introduced a new song at 412 Community Church this past Sunday. The song is "O God of Our Salvation" written by Matt Boswell, Michael Bleecker, and John Warren. "O God of Our Salvation" deals rightly with the Trinity and allows the worshiper to fix their minds and hearts on each separate person but yet declare the triune God as the "God of our salvation from whom redemption comes."

Here are the lyrics:

O God of our salvation
Who reigns upon the throne
The sovereign Father, great is He
From whom all blessings flow

O God of our salvation, From Whom redemption comes
O Father, Son and Spirit, The blessed three in one

Behold the Son our Savior
Who for our sin was slain
The Christ Who purchased with His blood
The wretched souls of men.

O God, The Holy Spirit
Revealing Deity
The fount of life and love divine
throughout eternity

Ascribe unending praises to the God Who reigns on high
How matchless is His power, His glory how divine
Ascribe O church the greatness and the glory due His name
One God, One Being, One Essence, O Triune God proclaimed


Want to learn the song? Check out this video from Michael Bleeker:


Anonymous said...

^^ I bet it won't.

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