Circumstantial Joy

Joy. It's something that we all seek in life whether it's in our job, our household, or our relationships, we always want joy. It's seems that as humans it is inherently built inside of us to desire joy, and rightly so, we're sinful and this world is depressing. However, I write this today because when I look into my life I see that my joy is not constant, it comes and goes with the waves of my life, and sadly I find that my joy is usually based on my circumstances. If the bills are paid I am joyful, if I'm on vacation I'm joyful, if no one's upset with me I'm joyful. The Joy I have is so often a circumstantial one and not an everlasting joy that is found in Christ.

"These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be full." -John 15:11

Jesus says here in John that we as believers have His joy inside of us, therefore our joy is full! There is no room for lousy circumstantial joy when Christ has given us all the joy that we could ever handle. This joy is found through abiding in Christ and being obedient to Him (John 15:1-10). Just as Jesus had unquenchable joy in the midst of opposition, so we are to have this same joy that we find through obedience to our Father.

"You have put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound." -Ps. 5:7

The joy that we have in Christ blows away this joy that is based on our "prosperity", how we "feel", or any other subjective circumstance. Our joy is rooted in abiding in Christ, it's founded firmly in the truth of the Gospel, and it is given to us by the Father who has adopted us as sons and daughters through Christ for the purpose of His will.

So, I urge you believers to find joy now in Christ and not in the ups and downs of this life. Find everlasting Joy.


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