A bite from Joshua...

Joshua 1:8: "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it."

At first glance this sounds like a happy little Bible verse. God says to read our Bibles, God says to think about the Bible, and God says to do what the Bible says... hip hip hooray! But as I was reading in the book of Joshua and I got to verse 8, I just couldn't go on.

This is a command from God to Joshua and a command from God to us! We're not just supposed to read the Bible, even unbelievers do that, but we are to eternally speak the word of God. We are to know the word of God. We are to never stop thinking and soaking in the word of God. God's not calling us to just read the Bible, that's lazy and insulting to Him. If we really love God then we will want to know what He has to say. If we really love God then we will do everything in our power to learn more about Him, to remember what He has told us, and to do what He says! It seems as if God is saying in Joshua 1:8 that this is who we are supposed to be, not just what we should do. As followers of Christ we are to be identified as people who never stop talking about God's word, who never stop thinking about God's word, and who are constantly living out God's word.

Our God Saves!

We had an awesome baptism service this past Sunday at the lake! Here's a short video that captures the day.