Video Wednesday

Is your iPhone indestructable? Try sticking it in a blender.

Lyrics (Some have asked)

Some have asked for the lyrics of the song, "You Alone" that you've heard twice at 412CC now so I thought I'd post it here. The words were written by James Edwards and it is simply the heart cry of 412 Community Church. Enjoy.

You Alone
Blessed, a new day’s come we stand and worship You
To the One and only name, salvation must come through
We lift our hands up high, feet planted in the truth
To the one who spoke all life, Jesus Christ it’s only You

Only You – You – You alone, there’s no other name
Jesus Christ our savior, our faith we claim
Only You – You – You alone, there’s no other name
Jesus Christ our savior, Your praise we sing

The world is ever changing, though one thing stays the same
Only one name under heaven, by which we must be saved

Only You – You – You alone, there’s no other name
Jesus Christ our savior, our faith we claim
Only You – You – You alone, there’s no other name
Jesus Christ our savior, Your praise we sing

Author of Salvation. Death the price You paid
Eternal life, Redemption, You give to us by Faith
We lift our hands up high, feet planted in the truth
To the one who spoke all life, Jesus Christ it’s only You

Only You – You – You alone, there’s no other name
Jesus Christ our savior, our faith we claim
Only You – You – You alone, there’s no other name
Jesus Christ our savior, Your praise we sing

Only You – You – You alone

Video Wednesday

In an effort to keep my blog interesting, I've decided to post a video from YouTube every Wednesday. So, if you don't read my blog any other day of the week, please oh please read on Wednesdays and get you a nice laugh.

This Video Wednesday goes to the "Idiot of the Year."


I was reading in Genesis this morning a very common story that many have heard since pre-school. It was in Genesis 11 where people got together and made clay bricks to try and build a tower, aka the Tower of Babel. Something stuck out to me that I never realized before. All of my life I have just thought that the idea of Self Sufficiency is a somewhat new one because of the entrepreneur attitude of the 20th and 21st centuries. I thought that it was so prevalent today because of all of the little gadgets that we have to make life easier. What I realized is that this idea of being a Self-Sufficient, "I can do it on my own" kind of person has been going on ever since the fall of man. I suppose I knew this but I never really thought about it.
In reading about the Tower of Babel I noticed a commonality in some of the language. The people are saying, "come let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly... come let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves..."
The builders believe that they have no need for God. Their technology and social unity make them rely solely on their own abilities. They are so confident in themselves that they don't need anyone to help them.
This philosophy is so similar to our philosophy today. I guess the only difference is that we're not building towers out of mud, we are building them with WiFi and iPhones and stuff.

Just an observation...

Biblical Community

Many have heard the words "Biblical Community," or have even be told to "practice Biblical Commuinty." But what does that REALLY mean? How do we find out what that is?

In our Home Team this semester we are studying the book of Acts, and at the end of chapter 2 there is a very clear example of Biblical Community. It is eyeopening to read it and to really picture what life would be like if we operated in this way.


Acts 2:42-47
And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.

What would your life be like if you TRULY practiced Biblical Community?

412 Kickoff

We had an awesome day on Sunday as we kicked off 412 Community Church. Always remember that we are a community rallied around the truth of Acts 4:12. There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.

Here's a little snapshot of last Sunday.

What are you asking God to do this year through 412 Community Church?